Monday, January 16, 2006

Reporting bugs is not that easy

Yesterday I suddenly remebered about KSpread bug (my comment 3), that prevents using xls-files in KOffice. So, lets check... Ah, still there. Ok, it's logical, when not reported than not fixed also. Hasso was about to write report, I needed sample files. As all non-ooo developers start whining, when sample files are created with oo.o (and to be sure, that it is not oo.o-s fault) I decided to produce xls-files with something else.
First: Gnumeric (sample file Book1.xls) - tried to write formula =A1*0,18 - impossible. (See bugreport). Finally switched to en_US, created file, result - my KSpread shows in formula cell parse error, Hasso's Kspread (latest snapshot) shows nothing, also in input field.
Second: Pocket Excel from my Smartphone. Thanks god, file creation was without problems (sample file Book2.xls), result - both my and Hasso's Kspread display empty cell instead of formula.
Conclusion: It is good to have Calc spreadsheet and be able to create and read 2-cell simple spreadsheet in my native locale (hm, at least under OpenSuSE, as others on other platforms could not reproduce behaviour of Gnumeric). ;)


ingwa said...

Thanks for the kspread bugreport.

And to put things into perspective, Kspread has a completely new formula engine. It will hopefully be able to handle this when the release is in 2 months. :-)

Ain said...

Thats good. Btw, yesterday we looked at upcoming KSpread help. There seems to be possibility in function INDEX to reference result of array formula only using its first cell. Is the help wrong? This is not compatible with other spreadsheets like Excel, OO.o Calc and Gnumeric, they require always reference to the full range.